VORSK TRIPLE POLISHED 0.28g 7200rnds 6mm BB’s bundle deal

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The vorsk triple polished high performance 6mm BB’s are among the best in the world out performing the best like ASG and much more alike. With a 5.95mm diameter and tolerance of less than 0.01mm gives these BB’s the best possible flight and distance all wrapped in one package. 

the high standard of manufacturing ensures a very well produced BB across all the weights wether you prefer a light weight BB or a heavier one Vorsk have got you sorted with it’s huge range from 0.20g to 0.43g. 

What’s in my Vorsk BB’s

All Vorsk BB’s are made from PS ( polystyrene) material giving them a high grade finish and accurate weight every time. The Vorsk Bio rounds are produced using and PLA material ( polyactic acid ). When manufactured the weight of each round is made from materials that are none toxic or metallic ensuring that they are none toxic to persons or the environment. 

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