The G&G MGCR GBBR and why it’s the best on the market

The G&G MGCR GBBR and why it’s the best on the market
And welcome to the fray of the GBBR in which G&G have done it again with the MGCR 7in. This new weapon has the latest in GBBR technology and I was pleasantly surprised when testing this weapon. i’m going to talk about today all about from start to finish from styling through to function of this weapon while unboxing this weapon. I was surprised at how good this weapon actually looked in compared to other rift on the market with its realistic weight and feel you would be hard done by to determine the difference between the real weapon and this replica GBBR some of the features I love about this weapon is the realistic charging handle that has to be used in order to load the weapon at the top. It’s 20mm rail gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you can attach all types of weapon systems and optics to this weapon one thing that I found fantastic about this weapon was the range and FPS straight out of the box depending on what gas you used are used red gas and found it to be shooting hot but this can be solved just by using a different type of gas