My story part 1 of how I started falcon 9 Airsoft

Let me tell you why I wanted to start Falcon 9 Airsoft I was new to Airsoft and felt that the customer service from other companies just was lacking especially when it came down to guarantees and returns so I wanted to change this and upset the market so myself and two friends originally started the business but unfortunately those two friends were unable to commit fully as they had other commitments so I took on Falcon nine myself starred in 2022 in July. I felt at the time that if I could build this business I would not only be doing what I’m passionate about and selling what I’m passionate about, but bringing a whole new dynamic to online sales especially after sales I will say that, unfortunately it has cost me some some very important things in my life like my relationship but I still believe we can be the best on the market offering everything from low-cost cheap Airsoft weapons to the high-end expensive Airsoft weapons and tactical gear unfortunately to begin with I was stuck waiting for a website designer to finish our Shopify store which took nine months but when we were finally up and going in March 2023 we launched the website me and my partner at the time struggled to begin with but pushed through after realising that the web developer had messed up the website which to this day I am still working on that aside my partner at the time worked incredibly hard and she was able to get the website to place where it worked unfortunately Carly are not together anymore as a result of the stresses that this business took but I want to talk. I want to take you on this journey with me with Falcon nine will dominate and be the biggest Airsoft supplier in the UK with multiple stores and a huge online presence I hope that I can bring a better experience for our customers so please follow these blogs as most days will be uploading and talking through our journey. I look forward to sharing with you in our next blog post a bit more detail as to how we got here