Airsoft limits

We share our honest experiences and views of products and sights

Is 350 FPS enough or should it be 400 like America my thoughts
Is 350 FPS enough or should it be 400 like America my thoughts
So we all know those guys who just can’t keep it legal especially HPA players who can increase the fps just by simply adjusting there regulator on the bottle. Now...
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Part two of falcon 9 airSoft and how we’ve progressed
Part two of falcon 9 airSoft and how we’ve progressed
Hi everyone so following on from my last blog post on how Falcon nine come about I want to talk to you a bit more about the stresses and hurdles...
My story part 1 of how I started falcon 9 Airsoft
My story part 1 of how I started falcon 9 Airsoft
Let me tell you why I wanted to start Falcon 9 Airsoft I was new to Airsoft and felt that the customer service from other companies just was lacking especially...
The G&G MGCR GBBR and why it’s the best on the market
The G&G MGCR GBBR and why it’s the best on the market
And welcome to the fray of the GBBR in which G&G have done it again with the MGCR 7in. This new weapon has the latest in GBBR technology and I...